Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lesson 3


It is really necessary that there should be state policies and strategies in the use of technology especially in educational institutions on a country it is because these serves as guiding principles for educators how to go about in the adoption of these technologies. We all know that we are now on the computer age and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is almost applicable in all aspects of our lives. But not all of us knew the importance of these technologies and how to go about it. Therefore, the infusion of which should start in the schools, more particularly to the student’s curriculum.

Most of the countries in the Asia Pacific Region (Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) already adopted their own policies and had created an educational technology environment in their schools. They equipped them with facilities and venue for the facilitation of learning to students and even to teachers. Teachers are given trainings in the use of these facilities as well as with the core skills and competencies in the use of ICT in their classroom discussions. The state policies for these technologies differ from one country to another depending from their culture and geographical locations or as the need for it may arise and/or the usefulness of which in the capacity building of their nation. But generally, most of the countries around Asia Pacific find it a need to really institutionalize the use of technology in their respective countries as evident to their state provisions and policies. In other words, they find it crucial to infuse technology in the minds of the people so that they can compete with other countries around the pacific and the world. They know they can boom their industries through the use of technology.

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